Town Cryer Media Kookaburra

Editor's Note for July

Not That Funny!

So apparently the new job description includes pulling a tractor with a rope - interesting! An activity which can render a not so Spring chicken (or one in Winter) a little worse for wear!
I also lost a unique shoe lace during the event (at the festival) and a camel tried to eat my bag of carrots! A very jam packed month this one - of events and games, exhibitions and festivals!
Even though times at the moment can be challenging, the community spirit is alive and well and going for it! Time spent with family and friends can be seen as very valuable, especially for personal well-being and health. I’ve talked about ‘stopping and smelling the roses’, but life can be more than that with the notion of self-actualisation gently hovering overhead waiting to descend on those who want ‘more out of life’ and waiting to ‘reach out to take it‘!
So don’t wait, because the not so Spring chicken bit is lurking right around the corner! Comes up faster than you can say “What the cluck was that?!”
But I digress, lol, here is a funny story on Quora by Joel Postman who says he is an “expert on what’s funny to me but not to anyone else” - so we shall see:
“I was in a plane and bumped the seat in front of me, causing this guy to spill club soda on his shirt. I leaned over the seat and told him, “Don’t worry. A little club soda will take that out.” Okay it might not be that funny but you gotta keep laughing!

Best Wishes Kerri
Your Editor In Chief!


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