‘The Air Is Pure, Mornings Are Heavenly …’ These are words from ‘Green Dance’, a poem…

Visit Tamborine Mountain over Mother’s Day weekend (May 13-14th) and followthe Open Studios Trail to meet…

Trish Price Resident Skywalk Artist Touches Hearts As Artist-In-Residence at Tamborine Rainforest Skywalk, Trish Price spends…

Doreen Wendt-Weir Talking About ‘The Sex One’ … I have always enjoyed guest speaking, which is…

Doreen Writes Her ‘Sexy’ Eighth Book … What Do You Do In Isolation? Doreen Says “Write…

Thunderbird Park Showcases Local Artists With some 200,000 visitors and guests passing through Cedar Creek Lodges…

Last Chance To Purchase Cecile Falvey’sBook Of Inspiration – At A Very Special Price! Launched after…

25th Anniversary For Community Arts Centre Over the weekend of the 14th and 15th of November,…