“Working For Our Community!”

“Hi, I’m Kerri, local resident of the Tamborine community for almost 30 years, and your candidate for Division 2 Scenic Rim in the upcoming council elections on 16 March 2024.
My ongoing and keen interest in the local community has led to my undertaking of key secretarial and media roles in local groups such as: the Tamborine & Districts Citizens Association Inc, the Tamborine Memorial Hall Management Association, the Tamborine Cenotaph Committee, and the Tamborine Car Show Committee. My involvement in local community life has seen the need for recognition of people, organisations, and businesses for their significance in the region, and has ultimately led to the creation of local publications – the Tamborine Bulletin and the Yarrabilba Bulletin! While running the two community newspapers, I completed a Degree in Business – (achieving nine awards along the way and graduating with Distinction!).
Being out and about in the local region for the past five years with the newspapers, has given me great insight and appreciation for our ‘community of people’, and as such, I have gained much experience in listening to residents talk about their concerns for their living and working lifestyles. From these interactions, I have always known I wanted to further enhance my work and do something more to help support our wonderful community.
Through fostering great communication and good working relationships with our residents, community groups, local businesses, and our council, I am constantly working to support and enrich our community, our environment, and of course, our lifestyles – particularly where families, wildlife, commercial enterprise, and local developments are concerned.
I am therefore seeking your vote for Division 2 at the Scenic Rim Regional Council Election to be held on 16 March 2024 in order to continue on with this work in a more official capacity.”
Please contact Kerri on 0438 436 655 or Facebook ‘Kerri Cryer – Your Local Scenic Rim Candidate’ for further info.