Comdisplan 2020 Australian Government Disaster Response Plan

STATEMENT From The Hon Scott Buchholz MP

Comdisplan 2020 Australian Government Disaster Response Plan

Our already saturated local catchments across many regions in Wright have been hit with further heavy rain over the past 48 hours. The Gold Coast, Scenic Rim, Logan and Lockyer Valley have had roads cut, swollen creeks and flooding.

I have today briefed the Federal Minister for Emergency Management on the situation across our regions. As a result, this afternoon, Emergency Management Australia activated COMDISPLAN. Under COMDISPLAN, the Federal Government stands ready to provide ADF support and other non-financial assistance to States and Territories as required to manage the disaster response.

While the rain continues to fall, I urge everyone to stay aware of their surroundings and heed the advice of emergency management authorities. Please stay away from floodwaters, whether you’re on foot or in a vehicle. If it’s flooded, forget it.

The Federal Government will continue to monitor the situation through the National Situation Room.