Twenty-five community groups from across the Scenic Rim will share in $168,600 from Council’s COVID-19 community stimulus funding, with more groups given an opportunity to apply in Round 2 of COVID-19 Community Grants – opening today.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said providing practical and timely financial relief to grassroots community groups and welfare organisations, that rely heavily on volunteers and donations, is part of Council’s broader strategy to support the region’s recovery through economic stimulus.
“The pandemic has impacted many community organisations’ ability to raise much needed funds, so by assisting with fixed costs like insurance, rates or utilities, Council is supporting a range of sporting, cultural and outreach activities to continue,” Cr Christensen said.
“These groups are the backbone of our towns and villages, and their volunteers continually go above and beyond to make a difference in their communities.
“Through its third economic stimulus package, Council allocated $250,000 specifically for community organisations that had been impacted by COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.
“Not only were we able to endorse the allocation of funds to all 17 eligible community groups that applied to the COVID-19 Community Grants, we have also been able to allocate funds to eight community groups who narrowly missed out in Council’s last Community Grants (Major) program.
“A rigorous selection process is always undertaken by Council’s grant assessment panel and all submitted applications are scored against the same criteria.
“The allocated community stimulus funds have not been exhausted and I strongly recommend that those community organisations that haven’t applied yet should put an application in for Round 2 of the one-off COVID-19 Community Grants, opening on 10 November,” he said.
Until 10 December, community organisations can apply via Council’s SmartyGrants portal for up to a maximum of $1,500 in funding to offset some of the financial loss and hardship experienced due to COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions.
Grant guidelines, eligibility criteria and information on how to apply for Round 2 of the COVID-19 Community Grant Program is available on Council’s website at www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/community-grants.
Further background on Council’s third economic stimulus package is available here https://www.scenicrim.qld.gov.au/news/article/593/council-s-third-economic-stimulus-package-delivers-financial-relief-and-in-kind-support-for-community-groups
The following projects were successful in COVID-19 Community Grant Program – Round 1:
Community Group | Project | Amount |
Rathdowney Memorial Grounds Association | Insurance and Cleaning costs | $1,500.00 |
Canungra School of Arts | Insurance, Rates and Utility costs | $1,500.00 |
Tamrookum Memorial Hall | Insurance costs | $1,500.00 |
Tamborine Mountain Cricket Club | Field Maintenance | $1,500.00 |
National Servicemen’s Association of Australia (NSAA) Beaudesert & District Branch | Office and Postage supplies | $905.00 |
QCWA Beechmountain Branch | Insurance costs | $1,330.00 |
Beaudesert Bowls Club | Insurance and Utility costs | $1,500.00 |
Kooralbyn Mountain Bike Club | Track Maintenance | $1,500.00 |
Southside Western Performance Club | Insurance costs | $1,290.00 |
Rotary Club of Beaudesert | Equipment for online meetings | $1,500.00 |
Moogerah Passion Play Association | Insurance costs | $1,450.00 |
Tamborine Mountain Scout Group | Insurance costs | $1,436.64 |
Scenic Rim Broadcasting | Operating expenses | $1,500.00 |
Broken Paddle Canoe Club | Equipment and Hire fees | $1,500.00 |
Historical Society of Beaudesert | Phone and Eftpos costs | $1,290.00 |
Beaudesert and District Meals on Wheels | Hire fees | $1,375.00 |
Fassifern Horse and Pony Club | Insurance and Operating expenses | $1,500.00 |
Total funding allocated | $24,076.64 |
The following projects (from the oversubscribed Major Grants under the Community Grants Program 2021-2022 Round 1) have been allocated funds in COVID-19 Community Grant Program – Round 1:
Community Group | Project | Amount |
Beaudesert and District Netball Association | Crossover and Concrete Entrance Driveway | $17,250.00 |
Beaudesert Little Athletics | Athletics Facility – Shotput, Discus and Long Jump | $19,999.90 |
Canungra Area Golf Club | Cart Path Restoration Project | $14,519.71 |
Kalbar School of Arts and Memorial Hall | Improvements to Kalbar School of Arts Memorial Hall | $19,888.00 |
Moogerah Passion Play Association | Replace floor of Community Room and Install Cables for Lighting | $16,892.00 |
Moriarty Park Committee | Moriarty Park Fencing Project | $16,000.00 |
Tamrookum Memorial Hall | Northern Wall Restoration | $19,986.00 |
Wongaburra Society | Men’s Shed Rejuvenation Project | $20,000.00 |
Total funding allocated | $144,535.61 |