Letter to the Editor

Letter To The Editor

With reference to Senior Citizens/Baby Boomers licence requirements, I would like to make your readers aware how the Queensland government treat their senior citizens/baby boomers, who I might add, played a major role in developing this country!

About six months prior to my birthday, which is in May, I contacted the Qld Transport Department, after a conversation with a friend, who informed that I would need a medical certificate to maintain my motor vehicle licence when I turned seventy-five. The transport department advised at the time that they would send a notice prior to my birthday.

Well, this didn’t happen, so I put the delay down to Covid. Just recently I was talking to another friend, and he informed me that the transport department no longer advise Senior Citizens when they are due to supply a medical certificate to maintain their motor vehicle licence. This is an appalling decision by the Queensland Government, and yet another blow against the Senior Citizens/Baby Boomers. Luckily, I wasn’t stopped by the police during this time, but please be aware of this decision because if you ride a motorcycle after the age of 75 – this could happen to you!

Regards – Rick Moretto