Councillor’s Comments For October 2021

Cr Jeff McConnell Division 2

Cr Jeff McConnell – Division 2

Cr Jeff McConnell Division 2
Councillor Jeff McConnell – Division 2 – Scenic Rim

These are my own personal views. I do not purport to speak on behalf of Council.

With the cancelling of the Ekka this year the Scenic Rim Council deferred the Show Holiday. This was done so that Scenic Rim residents were not celebrating a day off whilst in lock down due to COVID. The State Government has now appointed the 29th October 2021 as the People’s Long Weekend for this year.

The Covid restrictions that have been placed on residents and businesses by the State Government have had a significant financial impact within the Scenic Rim. Council has adopted another round of support measures to assist small and medium businesses. These include relief from some Council fees and charges to support programs, workshops, and access to free
professional and confidential counselling services. Please visit Council’s website for more information.

Council has just approved this financial year’s Round One Community Grants totalling $176,752. These grants are to provide assistance to local not-for-profit community groups and organisations who make a positive contribution to the quality of life in the Scenic Rim. I am pleased to announce that the local Tamborine Pony Club was successful in both the minor and major grants with upgrade of playing surface $5000 and installation of lights for the show jumping arena $10,000. Anyone driving past on one of their show days can see how successful they have become.

I have been saddened to see the many traffic accidents throughout the Tamborine area of late. I ask that everyone drive with just a little more care to yourselves and others on the road. PLEASE.

Quote Of The Day

“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas
the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.” – Maximilien Robespierre

Contact Me
I will always be available to talk with Division 2 residents on mobile 0436 327 434 or email

Follow me on Facebook
Jeff McConnell Councillor for Division 2 Scenic Rim Regional Council where I will post a weekly update. I am happy to meet with residents should they need a face to face meeting.

You can contact Council on 5540 5111 (save it to your phone) or email