Students From TMC Pay Quiet Heartfelt Respect

TMC Remember Those Who Have Served

TMC Remember Those Who Have Served

TMC Remember Those Who Have Served
TMC Remember Those Who Have Served

ANZAC Day – we meet, not to celebrate or glorify war, but rather to remember those who have served our country during conflict and crisis.
Tamborine Mountain College came together for ANZAC Day as a whole college (Kindy to Yr 12) for the first time since COVID. Last ANZAC Day was a very different story – schools were closed, delivering Home-Based Learning (HBL) and our students expressed their respects at the end of driveways. Never-the-less the tradition was alive and honoured with our teachers ensuring HBL included this ANZAC salute.

The very young, aged 3, paying respect along-side our Senior Leaders
The very young, aged 3, paying respect along-side our Senior Leaders

This year, to see the very young ones aged 3, along-side our Senior Leaders, paying respect on this important day was heart-felt. Captains of the Secondary Campus and Primary Campus spoke of the historical significance of the day and enlightened students about the ANZAC biscuit origins. Poetry read by students gave a quiet tribute to soldiers who sacrificed so much for our freedom. Wreaths and hand -made poppies were laid, as well as a very special wreath made by our Early Learning Centre children.
Being a complete campus brings moments of joy when the whole school community comes together – the caring nature of the older students as they mentor and role-model for the younger ones. To see the faces of the little ones looking up to the “big kids” for reassurance and comfort is what the College is all about.
College students and teachers attended the actual Sunday 25th April community march as well as the Dawn service where wreaths were also laid. It is indeed these young students who learn the respect and ensure that the tradition will live on.

Students From TMC Pay Quiet Heartfelt Respect
Students From TMC Pay Quiet Heartfelt Respect