Lomandra Mass Plantings Appear Unattractive
I have called on the Scenic Rim Regional Council to remove the plantings of Lomandra grass in picnic areas, parks and playgrounds across the Scenic Rim.
Lomandra Longifolia and lomandra hystrix has been planted en masse from Beechmont to Boonah.
It is a tall, clumping unattractive, straggly reed grass growing over a metre high and wide.
It is normally used in drought prone areas of rough terrain to stabilise embankments and sites with low maintenance needs. Longifolia is also subject to frosts.
Grown en masse it becomes impenetrable as the area becomes unusable for human activity.
It is unkempt and staggly in appearance sending out seed stalks that die off and remain on the plant. It collects dead leaves, sticks and also rubbish.
Lomandra creates a habitat for reptiles, insects and rodents.
Including snakes, ticks, rats and toads. Another reason not to plant it in a public place.

These mass plantings grow to head height, creating a visual barrier that poses a threat when wanting to observe small children playing in the area. In particular, around playgrounds such as Lions Park on Tamborine Mt.
Council states that Lomandra is used for ‘Green Barriers’ restricting the public as well as creating a protection zone around tree roots from soil compression by lawnmowers.
However, the same trees grow along the sides of bitumen on roads that are used by buses, water tankers and tourists and survive without any signs of suffering from root compression.
Council says that is easy to maintain and endemic to the area. Ease of maintenance should not be a consideration in a tourist region.
The promotion of Scenic Rim as the Richest Place on Earth fails to impress tourists who come to the Rim and are confronted by this low cost, untidy landscaping.
Our parks have been selected as places of natural beauty with large trees offering shade and views that are meant to be enjoyed for the simple pleasure of sitting under a tree and connecting with nature.
We should see some investment in our area to justify the dollars spent on the tourist campaign and high rates we pay.
Scenic Rim Regional Council has also neglected to provide water and toilets at many picnic areas due to the cost of maintainence.
Letter To The Community By Julie Wilkinson
(Tamborine Mountain Resident)