Baby Bernie ‘Born At The Bearded’

Baby Bernie The Goat
Baby Bernie The Goat
Baby Bernie The Goat

‘Clucky’ Staff Member ‘Mums’ Do 3 Hour Feeds

Meet ‘Bernie’ the latest new addition to the Bearded Dragon family, yes that family has grown again. Twins last month were so greedy that they each claimed a separate mum to suckle leaving little room for Bernie when she arrived. Meaning the capes came out and hands went up of all the ‘clucky’ staff members at the hotel eager to do the 3 hour regular feed. Bernie is of course using that to her advantage from first being robbed of a mother by the twins to now having multiple mothers to snuggle up to and grab a bottle. Come visit soon and meet Bernie, you will know immediately which one she is as she will expect that you to could possibly be her mother! Crazy (but oh so cute) goat!

From The Bearded Dragon Crew