Councillor’s Comments For December 2020

Cr Jeff McConnell Division 2

Cr Jeff McConnell – Division 2

Cr Jeff McConnell Division 2
Councillor Jeff McConnell – Division 2 – Scenic Rim

These are my own personal views. I do not purport to speak on behalf of Council.

Recently, we resolved that from 2021 we would move Council Ordinary meetings from a Monday to a Tuesday. I was one of the Councillors that requested this move as it would give Councillors more time to read through the agenda which can total in the hundreds of pages.
Currently the meeting agenda is released on a Wednesday afternoon and we hold the meeting on the Monday, that only gives Councillors a day to read the agenda and get any questions that we wish to be clarified to Council Officers so they can get an answer by Friday afternoon, ready for the Monday meeting. I regularly send a list of questions to the General Managers that I intend to ask at the meeting to ensure that they are prepared with answers. What I don’t want is to ask a question and for the officer to not have the answer as that does not help anyone.
With the move to a Tuesday meeting, this gives Councillors extra time to read through the Agenda and direct any questions that need to be answered or clarified at the meeting to Council Officers. Unfortunately, this means that print media may not make their deadlines, but I believe the effective running of Council needs to come first. We have not stopped their ability to print the stories coming from the meeting as they can still post on social media immediately and still print in their next edition.

I wish to congratulate the Council on their efforts in 2020 of securing a multitude State and Federal grants totalling in the millions of dollars. These grants assist council in providing much needed asset management (roads and bridges) as well as programs for the social environment, which we could not afford with such a small rate base.
Some residents may not know that we have a legacy of over 100 bridges that need replacement (still over 50 wooden bridges to be replaced) or repair. The replacement of these bridges does not come cheap and the assistance of Federal co-funding at 50% is much needed and appreciated.

It is great to see Beaudesert Beenleigh Rd getting some long overdue and much needed attention from Main Roads. Road works are being conducted around Tamborine Village as well as just outside Beaudesert. Although it’s an inconvenience now, the long-term benefits are better and safer road conditions.

Thought Of The Day
“The truth is that you always know the right thing to do. The tough part is doing it”. – Gen Norman Schwarzkopf, US Army

Contact Me
I will always be available to talk with Division 2 residents on mobile 0436 327 434 or email

Follow me on Facebook
Jeff McConnell Councillor for Division 2 Scenic Rim Regional Council where I will post a weekly update. I am happy to meet with residents should they need a face to face meeting.

You can contact Council on 5540 5111 (save it to your phone) or email