Artisan Fayre 2020 A Success

Artisan Fayre 2020
Artisan Fayre 2020
Hilary Furlong (TMPA Management), Stuart Wright (TMPA Treasurer), & Jeanette Lockey (TMPA President) attending TMPA stand at Artisan Fayre

Love And Hugs To All Of Our Supporters

This year’s event, our 6th year, was absolutely magnificent. We had a beautiful sunny day and an abundance of awesome folk attend and support the event … we are humbled by the generosity of energy provided by our beautiful community.

The Artisan Fayre Team would love to thank and hug all the awesome souls for their generous contributions including our generous sponsors and volunteers. You made this event incredibly successful. To each of our incredibly creative artists and artisans with stalls who provided an abundance of unique eye candy for us to see on the day, we hope you had a successful day trading.

Musical entertainment on stage at the Artisan Fayre
Musical entertainment on stage at the Artisan Fayre

And to our wonderful stage performers thank you for your awesome energy and getting your groove on with us … we are incredibly grateful. We are still smiling and feeling the love and gratitude!

From all of us at The Artisan Fayre Team – we give big fat hugs to you all!