“Can I Make A Suggestion?”

New Pharmacist - Carina

Village Pharmacy Asks For Feedback

Carina the Pharmacist has now been in attendance at the Tamborine Village Pharmacy for several months with over 100 scripts filled in one day! Wanting to do the best for the local community she has installed a suggestion box for customers to provide constructive feedback and positive requests. Carina also plans to draw a name out each month with the lucky customer winning a reward from the pharmacy. Next month we will introduce you to the ‘Monday pharmacist’ Kathleen, and new pharmacy assistant Brianna.

And Offers 10% Off!

Don’t forget to mention the ad below for an amazing 10% off in store (excluding PBS prescriptions)!

Village Pharmacy - 10% Off
Tamborine Village Pharmacy – 10% Off

The pharmacy is open from 8.30am to 5pm weekdays and 9am to 12noon on Saturday mornings.
Call 07 5543 6227 to find out more about the pharmacy.