Your local adult riding club in Tamborine has continued to function during the time of ‘Lockdown and Isolation’. Our grounds are closed and clear directions are given by government to follow social distancing rules. All of this didn’t stop us as we organised an event supported by technology and coached by our local riding instructor, Lisa Koppman. Our members were provided with a guide & instructions to participate in a ‘Pole Session’ that covered four exercises from beginner to more advanced level. Not all went to plan for most of us and there is some great ‘blooper’ footage, I can assure you. At the end everyone was able to publish their videos showing their efforts and Lisa was able to provide us all with her valuable feedback for us to further improve. It was a great way to continue our learnings, get some motivation and have fun doing something different.
We are also proud to announce our own winner for the ‘Toilet Roll Challenge’!!!! Nobody else was able to pack this amount of rolls on their butt only ‘Big Sam’ can.

Next month we are fortunate to have Geraldine Van Montfrans-Eady coaching us in riding some dressage tests. The event will still be hold online until restrictions lift further end of June. We have a selected number of tests you can chose to ride and Geraldine will then provide you with her feedback and guidance. The event opens on the 9th June and will run for two weeks. If you are keen to enter contact us on our facebook page TDRC Tamborine & District Riding Club or email
Keep safe everyone and happy riding!
By Gaby (Secretary – Tamborine & District Riding Club)