Doreen Wendt-Weir

Doreen Wendt-Weir

Talking About ‘The Sex One’ …

I have always enjoyed guest speaking, which is just as well, because I have done a lot of it! 

While some of the topics have been about the early days in Logan Village, most of the requests have been to talk about my book Sex in Your Seventies. There have been church groups who have asked me to speak. ‘I suppose you want me to talk about Logan Village?’ I have asked.

‘No … no … the sex one …’ has always been the reply. Of course, it is not a ‘how to’ book, and I assure them that my speech does not contain anything that is unacceptable. Sure, it has a couple of ‘spicy’ bits that get me a few laughs, always a good thing in a speech.

For the first time, recently I spoke on Gardening in Your Nineties, my latest book. It was a great success, as I went through the chapters of the book, talking of my garden, my life, my television career and the love-story that runs throughout the book. 

Some things have changed however. I no longer drive to the venue; I must be picked up. And, to be sensible, I should sit while I speak, although I love standing at a lectern. My voice is still strong and clear. And, as it has ever been, there is no charge. 

By Doreen Wendt-Weir
Author of ‘Gardening in Your Nineties, sequel to Sex in Your Seventies.’ –