Removal Of Established Trees – A Big Tragedy!
Those of us who are attracted to the backblocks for a tree change and a more natural lifestyle are really wanting to experience nature, to share our life with the natural world and the energy created by trees, their attractiveness and their cooling shade, along with the wildlife that belongs there.
“Experiencing nature at its finest puts life into better perspective and the wonderful sounds and smells of a forest must enrich any visitor.”
Cut down the trees and the landscape changes, along with life of the forest. This is a tragedy. The temperature rises, the animals disappear and a bare block with only a house suddenly becomes unappealing, subject to erosion, landslip or flooding.
The planting of a trees will not restore the original or regain the benefits in one lifetime. We need to prevent the removal of established trees.
We need Council to set restrictions on the clearing of trees. Land holders must be aware of these restrictions. Native vegetation should never be removed without a permit. Contractors should first sight this permit before proceeding. Trees of a certain age and girth should be protected.
The importance of our trees has led to discussion about creating a Significant Tree register where special trees, due to their size, age or species are significant to our region and need protecting. Some have cultural significance to the local tribes who moved around the area. Especially on Tamborine Mountain where the tribes had walking tracks up the Mountain and apparently used macrozamia trees as signposts to find their way back down.
Those who are new to the area should have this information available to them with their rates notice so we don’t find significant trees destroyed by lack of information. A fine is not much of a deterrent nor of benefit after the clearing.
The future tragedy of mass land clearing was predicted by our early pioneers and actions taken to try and prevent it, to some extent.
“On 15 June, 1907, Tamborine Shire Council carried a motion that the Department of Public Lands be asked to resume an area of crown Land on the side of Tamborine Mt as a National Park for the preservation of flora and fauna “as owing to the way the land in the vicinity was being cleared it would seem that in the near future such an action could prove its necessity”
As a result Witches Falls Park was gazetted as a National Park in 1908, becoming the first National Park in Queensland and the second in Australia.
On 28 May 1915, The Tamborine Mt Progress Association was formed, with the support of residents, to preserve the rainforest and to help manage the new National Park.
“Today, the Mountain and its escarpment house up to 80% of SE Queensland’s Flora and fauna.”
The Progress Association is continuing its fight to protect the Mountain environment and oppose inappropriate development and clearing on rural/residential land.
They are not getting support from the Scenic Rim Regional Council who, as absentee administration, is allegedly ignoring their own planning scheme, and many local objections, and is intent on sacrificing our natural beauty to commercial developers.
The volunteer members of TMPA are presently seeking funding to cover legal costs in the Planning and Environment court to oppose one such development.
They feel we need to make a stand now “or the floodgates will open for commercial development in residential areas all over the Mountain” on our doorstep. That time has arrived. We must protect the natural environment on Tamborine Mountain, now more than ever, or lose it forever, as our ancestors predicted.
We need to raise funds from public donations. Your support will continue to help protect the Mountain environment for our future, as our pioneering families did for you.
Please make a direct deposit:
Progress Association ‘Onsens’ Appeal
BSB: 484-799 Account No. 0838 171 99
(Historical Information extracted from TMPA website)
By Julie Wilkinson
(Scenic Rim – Residents Action Group)
Please contact me if you have any comments.
(Letters To The Editor do not necessarily reflect the views of the publication.)