10 Hour Race Around Tamborine

Shaking The Tamborine Rogaine Race Day … 

A great day was had by all the competitors at the Shaking the Tamborine Rogaine Race on Saturday 13th August.

The rain on the day didn’t dampen the 150 people who came out to explore the beautiful creeks, hills, and mountains of our stunning Tamborine National Park. Rogaine Racing is like Orienteering, except that there is a time limit and the object is to get the most number of points from finding checkpoints (checkpoints vary in value) within the time limit. 

One Hundred competed in the 5 hour race (starting at 10am and finishing at 3pm), with Matt Nauthe and Geoffrey Spurling winning with an amazing score of 1010 out of 2480 on offer. The drizzle that had continued for most of the race finished just before the cut off, so the competitors were able to relax after the race, enjoy the free pizza and discuss the challenges of the race.

Over fifty people competed in the 10 hour race (starting at 9am and finishing at 7pm) with Jan-douwe Wansink and Joelle Langeveld winning with 1280 points out of the same 2480 on offer. Although teams finished in the dark, a blazing fire and free pizza helped warm them back up as they discussed the beauty and challenges on offer in Tamborine National Park.

Jan and Kim winners 5hr Womens
Jan and Kim winners 5hr Womens
Louis and Chris, Winner 5 hr Family
Louis and Chris, Winner 5 hr Family

The rogaine season is nearly finished for the season, with just the 24 hour QLD Championships and 3 Hour Urban Rogue still to go: qldrogaine.asn.au/event-calendar

For beginners thinking of giving it a try, an introductory race is held in March each year during daylight hours, where support is given for learning. For more info go to: www.qldrogaine.asn.au