5 Second Rule …

… A Motivation Strategy

This month’s article is inspired by a client who shared a simple strategy to help with motivation. I was intrigued by thought applied into action ‘so quickly.’
The 5 second rule by Mel Robbins, an American lawyer, author, and motivational speaker. Have you heard of it?
In a nutshell, here’s the 5 second rule (in Robbins’ own words): “If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds, or your brain will kill it.” Robbin’s explains that when you feel an urge to work on a goal, your heart is trying to tell you that there’s something you need to do.
The client lives with mental illness.
Whilst I’m not suggesting this would work for everyone, rather, if it works for one then it may help another, and such information may well be worth sharing.
The client applies this rule to daily tasks such as: when a thought comes to ‘do the washing, or respond to an email,’ they act upon it within 5 seconds. For the client, it is not so much about completing the task but getting started on it. Rather than putting it off, finding an excuse or forgetting. Though idealistic as this sounds, because we prioritise our busy lives and cannot be expected to get every actionable thought done – as a motivating mechanism it may have merit. The client consciously counts down the seconds: ‘5,4,3,2,1’ and makes a start on the task (gets up, out of bed or turns on computer, etc).
As Robbins explains, her “5-second rule” is very simple: It’s about the moment you’re in a situation where you know what you should do “but you start to hesitate, or excuses start to fill your mind” (2018).
What is your strategy for motivation? How do you ‘pep up’ or inspire yourself to make a start on something? What is it; a thought, self-talk, a song, a phrase, is it simple or complex, a mantra or belief system – that motivates you?
Inviting you to share your motivational strategies at:
villagetherapist101@gmail.com and anonymously published in next month’s article for a sharing experience.
Given this article’s context, it is important to note self-awareness about your current capacity, so as not to expect too much from yourself. Prioritising is key.
Looking forward to your sharing and the potential that what helps you, may help others.
Being human together