Tankride Closes After Neighbour Complains

Much loved local attraction Tamborine’s Tankride has announced its closure from Saturday 11th December 2021.
Potential fees and charges associated with road upgrades, and compliance issues resulting from a neighbour’s complaints, have not been conducive to the small business, and subsequently owner Tim Wood and his family have made the decision to no longer continue at the current location.
Over the many years of operation, Tim and his crew have brought much joy to the community by giving the public and many community groups an experience like no other. Tim says the support from the public booking rides, tactical edge hobbies, scout groups, car clubs, corporate groups, international and interstate travellers, autistic groups, church groups, schools, NDIS groups, Vietnam veterans, home schoolers and so many more, has been overwhelming over the past eight years and he would like to thank everyone individually as the opportunity arises.

He would also like to say a huge thank you to friends, helpers and staff who have shared his passion and stuck with him through thick and thin – namely Phil, Wayne, and Rebekah, who have been an amazing team, as well as his family and extended family who have always shared and supported ‘the dream’ no matter how farfetched it was!
At this stage, Tim will be selling one more of his Centurion Gun Tanks, saying he intends to give all his remaining vehicles a birthday celebrating their restoration and preservation now that the ride use will stop. The last group to visit will be a group of Vietnam veterans from the north side. One of the members, Len, has contributed to Tankride by selling Tim three of his personal vehicles.
Tim said, “All the people who have contributed share a special bond here, I am just the next custodian and intend to restore and preserve their vehicles to keep their memory alive. Although the business must stop, many of these blokes have become friends – and friends will always be welcome!!”
Tim looks forward to the next chapter in his life and is sure whichever path he follows, it will include military machines and the potential for bigger things – we are sure too! ‘Tanks Tim’ for a ‘wild ride in Tamborine’, we are sorry to see you go. For more info, please email: info@tankride.com.au