Hills Graduates 2021 Made College Proud
2021 has been a year of resilience, growth and success at Hills College. We congratulate the Class of 2021 for their achievements, particularly as they navigated a year of lockdowns and restrictions. On their last day, our Year 12 cohort was feted at our Awards Day, followed by a Valedictory lunch and the traditional whole school graduation tunnel, allowing the students to be congratulated by every member of our College community as they walked out for the last time.

Hills College is proud of our students’ academic and sporting successes. Of note in 2021 are the following;
• Primary Dux Alex Gomez
• Primary Sportsperson ‘Nyle Schull Memorial Shield’ – Joseph Caffrey
• Hills College Secondary Dux ‘Bruce Howden Memorial Shield’, Royal Australian Chemical Institute Excellence in Chemistry Certificate, Australian Institute of Physics Excellence in Physics Certificate – Sahil Gounder
• Australian Institute of Physics Excellence in Physics
Certificate – Than Lwin (Pinky) Moe Thet
• Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarship – Lara Davidson
• US College Sporting Scholarships – Minh Doan (Wofford College, South Carolina) and Amadeus Susanto (Campbell University, North Carolina)
Our College community congratulates these students, and all of our graduates on their achievements. We are very proud of these confident, compassionate and kind young people, who have made our College proud.

Success is not simply measured by educational achievements, however. At Hills College, we pride ourselves on educating the whole child. With a strong Educational Support and Enrichment team, we can cater to most learning needs, while extend the learning for others. Supplemented by our
whole school Wellbeing team, our students are able to learn in a caring and supportive environment. Our graduates are a testament to this care of the whole child. They are now world-ready for their bright futures.
Compassion is key at Hills College. It is one of our founding LAWS; Live with Compassion, Act with Integrity, Work with Diligence and Strive for Success. With an active team of highly trained teachers and support staff, we ensure that Hills College is truly a ‘Place to Belong’.
To experience the difference a compassionate community can make to your child, please contact us to organise a College tour; call 5546 0667 or visit www.hills.qld.edu.au