Hole Filled With Water At Riemore

Recently a resident of Riemore Downs, returning home drove down to the bottom of Ballantrae Rd (where school buses pick up and drop off) and noticed a group of school kids standing around. Upon stopping she discovered that a child had fallen into a hole. The hole (possibly a telecommunications pit) had half a concrete cover and was filled with approximately two feet of water. The child said they were okay, so the resident immediately called the Scenic Rim Council to inform them of
the hole, sending photos to stress that “it is really dangerous as the children catch school buses at this spot”. The Council said they would send someone out to fix it but later informed the situation had been taken to the company for whom the pit belonged in order for them to make repairs for safety.
Another resident also informed of a 6ft wide 4ft deep hole that has also appeared at the end of the easement into the dams on Riemore Circuit.