Who Are Your Community Disaster Volunteers?

In times of disaster, such as bushfires and floods, who do you turn to for help? In Tamborine, we now have three local Community Disaster Volunteers, trained by the Scenic Rim Reginal Council, who are able to provide a link to assistance before, during, and after any disaster in our local area.
Members of the local community were recently able to meet volunteers Chris Watkins, and Syd and Pauline Norman at either one or both of the Tamborine Village Lions Market and the Tamborine Community Country Markets in October. At both markets lots of informative items were given away to help community members better prepare and protect their families, pets, and properties when help is most needed. On the table, they had Disaster Dashboard information, Red Cross Rediplan, Kids Get Ready booklets, a suggested Disaster backpack, and Information Sheets on how to set up a backup USB stick as a keep-safe for your important data.
Syd and Pauline said they enjoyed meeting the locals and felt proud to be able to support the wonderful community spirit that is “Tamborine”.
If you would like further assistance with your disaster planning, please feel free to contact any of the following volunteers:
Syd Norman 0427 452 261
Pauline Norman 0402 416 632
Chris Watkins 0429 458 577
The Community Disaster Volunteers plan to be at the next Tamborine markets in November. Stay tuned to the TDCA Inc facebook page so you can call in for a chat and see how the Community Disaster Volunteer System can assist you in times of great need.