With Warmer Weather Comes Dryer Skin

T-Shirts, shorts, skirts, dresses, sandals, thongs – lots less clothing really. Great to get outside and not have that heavy overload of clothes, where we
can just breathe in the fresh air, feeling great. Yes, it’s good to be alive! Warmer weather certainly cheers you up!
Oh no! I’ve just felt my elbows, ewww!, a little rough you say? I could file my nails on them. Knees the same? Oh my, don’t feel those heels, you’ll faint! Warmer weather dries out skin quicker than cooler months and wearing an overload of clothes, we tend to forget about pampering our arms, elbows, and feet!
Let’s fix this issue in a hurry. There’s a couple of options to achieve this. You can either make an appointment with your local salon to have a treatment or you might like to do it yourself and feel wonderfully clean and proud to show off those pampered feet and arms.
It doesn’t take much. Jordella Skincare has a great foot cream that comes with a natural beach pumice stone. Tamborine Mountain Village Witch Alchemy along the Gallery Walk, has all this and more – plenty of parking too!
What You Will Need:
• Hand Towel
• Bucket/vessel, big enough to fit those feet into it
• Fizzing Salts (can purchase this on-line at www.jordella.com.au)
• Exfoliator or pumice stone
• Foot Cream (purchase at Village Witch Alchemy and remember it has a Natural Beach Pumice attached) or Sweet Honey Remedy Lotion
• Warm Water
• Chair
• A slip-on type shoe, eg slippers, thongs or sandals
What To Do:
• ½ fill your bucket with warm water – set aside
• Sit in your chair
• Gently rub the natural beach pumice stone around the areas of concern, paying particular attention to the heals
• Add the fizzing salts to your foot bucket of water
• Place exfoliated feet into the foot bucket
• Relax – you may want to give the feet another go at the heals with your natural beach pumice stone, but be kind to your feet, they support your every move
• Remove your feet and dry off with your towel
• Once dry, place a small amount of Foot Cream or Sweet Honey Remedy Lotion around the toes and heals and allow to dry prior to popping on your slippers
• And that’s it!
• This can be done in the shower as well. Using an exfoliant in the shower on your elbows is always a treat.
• All products can be purchased from Village Witch Alchemy and on-line at www.jordella.com.au
By Colleen Hagarty – Jordella Skincare