Laying Down The Groundwork

How Do I Know If My Child Is Ready To Start Prep?

A 21st century education is the solid foundation to enable each child to reach their God-given potential. So how do I know if my child is ready for school?

Tracey Verreynne, Head of Early Learning at King’s Christian College, said there is a range of skills that your child needs before starting Prep.

“When parents think about their child starting school, they naturally think about their readiness to learn skills in literacy and numeracy. However a child also needs social and self care skills, plus fine and gross motor skills,” said Ms Verreynne.

“Does your child play well with others? Are they persistent to be able to finish a task? Can they separate from you for the day? Can they go to the toilet by themself? Can they unpack their own lunchbox? Can they follow instructions? Can they hold a pencil to draw and write? These are some
of the questions to think about when preparing your child for Prep.”

Early childhood education is not only about learning basic skills. It also includes developing those crucial social and emotional skills. When this is done successfully, with parents and teacher in partnership, it lays the groundwork for the child’s continued education

Download your free copy of 30 Skills Your Child Needs Before Starting Prep at