New Volunteer Joins Brigade

New Volunteer Joins Brigade

Tamborine Rural Fire Brigade August Report

First Officer: Terry Watkins and Second Officer Trevor Henderson with new member Kiera Fludder, and her Dad, James Fludder.

Before the bi-monthly meeting even started, every Rural Fire Brigade members’ phone went off in unison with a notification about a fire! Everybody reached for their mobile to discover there was apparently a mattress on fire at Camp Cable Road. After mounting the appropriate response, the meeting settled back down to the business at hand.

The fire season, it was noted, was quiet at the moment with concerns expressed that it “won’t stay that way for long – with things drying out the fires will come!”

Over the past month, there has been 6 call outs to which the rural fire brigade has attended, including 2 grass fires, 2 structure fires, and 2 road traffic crashes (RTCs).

Currently, training has not been able to progress very far with new modules needing extra training undertaken by officers. Training Days to be held at Canungra, (which may involve ‘rolling hoses’), will be planned for the future.

A Hazard Reduction (HR) burn was also conducted in the area of Yarrabilba consisting of both large and small stacks. It was acknowledged that two members have been engaged in Border Duty during the last lockdown.

The crew were thanked for organising the parking at The Bearded Dragon’s recent Mammoth Market, as well as attending the community engagement stall, and for washing and packing up the truck afterwards. The brigade is also to attend to parking duties at the Treats In Tamborine Pamper Market, but they were no longer required at the Tamborine Car Show which was cancelled due to impact from the recent covid restrictions.

Kiera and her father James
Kiera and her father James

A new volunteer, sixteen year old Kiera Fludder, was introduced and warmly welcomed to the brigade. Kiera and her father James are both keen motor enthusiasts with Kiera volunteering as a Flags and Paddock Marshall, and James volunteering as a Fire Marshall on the Supercars circuit.

By her own words, Kiera is a “massive motor sports fan” saying she loves Formula 1, V8’s, Moto GP – in fact “anything with an engine in it!” One of the reasons James is able to work as a Fire Marshall on the Supercars circuit is due to the skills he has learnt from being a part of the local fire brigade, and Kiera wants to follow in her Dad’s footsteps to be able to do the same. Kiera also has aspirations to become a photographer – and you guessed it – of motor sports! Welcome Kiera to the Brigade!

For lighting fires larger than 2m x 2m x 2m, permits are required.

Applications can be found at the Shell Service Station, or call Fire Warden, Trevor Henderson on 0409 642 500.