At August Meeting – Car Show Prepared Then Postponed to 2022

The Tamborine and District Citizens Association Inc’s monthly meeting for August was held a week later following disruption from the covid lockdown. Acting President, Gary Hamblyn returned, and John Beswick was thanked for previously chairing the last two meetings. Members and guests were also thanked for their attendance.
Previous business was addressed such as: the request for reflector badges to be installed on the bollards to reduce tripping in the dark following feedback from the Anzac Day service; the yellow lines outside of Tamborine Central (Puma) have been completed (also noted suggestion of a stop sign in
this area not strategically possible as the school bus needs to pull up as well – also suggested for the bus stop move up to the hall interchange); and the suggestion of trailers depicting the speed of 60Kms strategically located in Tamborine for safety.
Cr Jeff McConnell informed that key areas where a lot of wildlife are killed were being looked at by Council. Jeff commented that he himself had seen 6 dead roos on the road in the local area in the last few weeks – a sad situation.
The recent planting of wildlife trees at Kilmore Road were considered to be growing well with none yet stolen, run over or have died, and as they grow, the fireweed that is apparently at their bases should reduce under the shade of the trees. The grounds around the hall have also apparently never been named which threw the floor open for discussion.
In new business: the tyre pile at Walnut Road is to be removed and the dumped sofa at Mundoolun Bridge area was also called in for removal; the $7K moved at the last meeting to be used for sports equipment and/or grounds is now in the account ready for allocation to specific ‘sports items’; the new computer has been purchased from the grant money; and John
proposed a stage area be built outside of the hall – this was asked to be brought up at the hall meeting.
Finally the Car Show planned for mid September was cancelled, to be postponed until next year when hopefully covid lockdowns and restrictions will not have a significant impact.
If you would like to voice your opinion about any issues or concerns for the community, please join the TDCA Inc at their monthly meetings for an effective platform on which to discuss local matters in the area. “Come Along And Have Your Say!”
The next meeting is on Monday 13 September at 7pm at the hall.