New Blood Leads Toastmasters

Members of the new Jimboomba Toastmasters executive committee
Members of the new Jimboomba Toastmasters executive committee
Members of the new executive committee: Jean Turley (Vice President of Membership), Judy Dawson-Woods (Secretary), Marty Pouwelse (President), Lee Bartlett (Treasurer), & Andrew Wills (Vice President of Education)

Local Toastmasters Celebrates New Team …

The new financial year usually implies budgets, stocktake and tax returns, but for one local club it means stepping up and taking on a leadership role.
Jimboomba Toastmasters recently welcomed their new executive committee with a banquet and lots of laughs at Yummy Yummy Chinese Restaurant in Jimboomba.
Like many organisations, the pandemic threw up plenty of hurdles during the last 12 months. However, the new team are embracing their roles and are ready to take their local club to the next level, assisting members of the community to feel less anxious about public speaking.
Incoming Club Treasurer, Lee Bartlett, recognises the importance of his new position.
“Managing the finances of a not-for-profit club is a very important role. Enabling electronic payments is a great step forward,” he said. “I look forward to being organised and disciplined with club finances and bringing some of those learnings to my personal finance management.”
Former President, Jean Turley, will continue on the committee as Vice President of Membership.

Experienced Toastmaster and former President, Jean Turley,
Experienced Toastmaster and former President, Jean Turley, welcomes in the new club executive committee

“I will be assisting visitors to learn a little more about Toastmasters and to find out what they would like to change or improve on with regard to effective communication.”
Jean revealed that being an executive team member has been life-changing. Over the years I have seen the transformation of previously shy people speak with confidence in a wide variety of situations. It is most uplifting to be even a small part of that,” she revealed. “As well as being a more confident communicator myself, it is very rewarding being in an organisation fully committed to helping someone else gain confidence,”
Michael Gray, 56 from Yarrabilba, joined after attending the recent Dare to Speak workshops.
His reason for signing up was surprising.
“I reached out to Toastmasters to learn how to put my thoughts in order when asked to speak to either a small or large party of people. However, speaking was never my issue. It was the starting and ending of speaking I needed to feel comfortable with. I needed to know how to feel the audience was being engaged by my spoken points,” he revealed.
Did anything surprise Michael about Toastmasters?
“Besides learning about the members own journeys in the welcoming group was that the meeting nights were full of humour. Maybe I went in very serious because I had a serious issue I needed to work on, yet I relaxed and enjoyed the chance to share one’s failures and successes with a great big bucket of humour.”
New Club President, Marty Pouwelse, has been with Toastmasters for four years and is relishing the opportunity to put some of his new-found leadership skills into practice.
“I think it’s important to have someone in the role who is down-to-earth, level-headed, diplomatic, can play peace-keeper and see two opposing parties come to agreement, and be able to make executive decisions without fear,” he explained. “Unfortunately, we couldn’t find that person so they’re stuck with me!”
New Treasurer, Lee Bartlett, points out some less obvious benefits.
“Human skills are key to employability into the future. With technology rapidly advancing and making many jobs obsolete, there are some skills such as public speaking, curiosity, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking that will be of incredible value,” he pointed out. Toastmasters caters for anyone over 18 years of age, whatever their experience level.

The club meets every second and fourth Wednesday at 6:45pm for a 7pm start at Dorrington House on Johanna St, Jimboomba (opp the police station). Come along as a guest with no pressure to participate! For details call Jean Turley on 0416 209 104 or visit

by Marty Pouwelse (President Jimboomba Toastmasters)