Our New ‘Local’ Town Crier

Town Crier ‘Cry-Off’
Town Crier ‘Cry-Off’
Cr Jeff McConnell, Pauline and Syd Norman, Peter and Christine Brown and Cr Marshall Chalk at Town Crier ‘Cry-Off’ (Photo by SRRC)

New Era For Town Crier In Scenic Rim

The role of Scenic Rim Town Crier has entered a new era, with Tamborine’s Syd Norman selected as Town Crier and Peter Brown from Boonah as Assistant Town Crier.
The two Criers will carry on the legacy of retired Scenic Rim Town Crier John Deeks, who was recognised for 20 years of service before his retirement in 2019.
Mr Norman and Mr Brown entered a cry-off before a panel of judges made up of Town Crier Australian Chief Judge Mark Overell, Graeme Crouch from Boonah and District Cultural Foundation and Scenic Rim Regional Council General Manager Customer and Regional Prosperity Debra Howe.
Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen took the opportunity to thank Mr Deeks for his contributions and congratulated Mr Norman and Mr Brown.

Town Crier ‘Cry-Off’
Syd Norman, John Deeks, Mayor Christensen, & Peter Brown

“John has set a really wonderful threshold of expectation for those who come after him, and we acknowledge the gift he has given our region over a long period of time,” he said.
“We had two spectacular candidates in Syd and Peter, and because of the expansive range of events in our region, the wonderful, joyful opportunities our community presents for visitors, we’ll have a Town Crier and Assistant Town Crier.
“This will ensure that wherever possible our events can enjoy the theatre, voices and expression of character our town criers will continue to carry for our region.”
Mr Norman used his cry to thank Mr Deeks for his service and to introduce himself.
“Our most respected John Deeks, the first and only town crier for our area, has retired after 20 years of carrying messages to our community and I would be honoured to follow in his very hard to fill footsteps,” he said.
“If I may briefly introduce myself, I’m a retired marine engineer, master mechanic, freemason, Scottish by birth, happily married and supported by my lovely wife Pauline and at 73 years young hopefully with many years to spread the word.”
In his cry, Mr Brown pledged to extol the virtues and attractions of the Scenic Rim.
“We have many varied and interesting of activities to excite and interest the most discerning of visitors. Our mountainous areas and rich farming land, numerous towns and villages all with their own individual identities and friendly residents make you feel welcome,” he said.

Council formally ratified the appointments of Scenic Rim Town Crier and Assistant Town Crier at the 23 November Ordinary Meeting of Council.

Congratulations to Peter from Boonah, and a Very Special Congratulations to our very own Syd from Tamborine!

The Town Criers
Town Crier Syd Norman with Assistant Town Crier Peter Brown