TMC End Of Year Success And Celebration
As with most schools, for Tamborine Mountain College, 2020 has been a most unusual year with COVID.
TMC had great plans for its 25th Anniversary celebration this year, but unfortunately were unable to hold any public events.
Home Based Learning (HBL) became a way of life in Term 2 and once back on campus for Term 3 things were very different – no volunteers, no camps, no excursions, no sport, no interstate travel, no international travel to Paris for their “Sister School” partnership. Normal life as we knew it no longer existed and a new norm of Social Distancing and Sanitiser took over.
College Principal Mrs June Melbourne acknowledged Mrs Fiona Stevens, Head of Secondary and Mr Mark Stevens, Head of Primary, for their leadership with HBL and management of COVID regulations and TMC Board, teachers and staff commended for adjusting so well, as did TMC students and parents.
Despite it all TMC Yr 12 was prepared for the new ATAR system with external exams.
TMC Award Ceremony had to be modified to accommodate the COVID requirements so several ceremonies were held on campus:
- to recognise Graduating Classes for Yr 12, Yr 6 and Pre-Prep
- to recognise Award Recipients across the whole campus
- to recognise Yr 12 Early Entry Offers to University
- to recognise major achievements this year
(and there have been many despite COVID!) - to recognise the College’s milestone of 25 years

TMC announced that again this year there were many examples across the whole campus of Victory & Valour (the College motto):
- Yr 12 success educationally is highlighted by 12 early entry offers into university before results even come out – offers were made to TMC students from Southern Cross University, ANU, and Bond University.
- Bond University offered 2 TMC students The Excellence Scholarship awarded for high academic achievement and leadership.
- TMC Lions Youth of the Year Regional Winner that comes with a prize for international travel (one day!)
- Only Term 1 allowed Debating competition and only Yr 12 were allowed to compete in Public Speaking.
- Two TMC Opti-Minds teams (combined Yr 6 &7) – Language / Literature and Science / Engineering with video presentations gained Honours and the Science/Engineering Team took out the Spirit Award.
- TMC ArtsFest was delivered via TMC website over a week to display talent in the Early Learning Centre, Primary and Secondary: Band, Drama, Music, Choir, craft and fabulous Art works.
- TMC Early Learning Centre was awarded Highly Commended for the Scarecrow Festival.
- Drama performances – both “12 Angry Jurors” by Drama Excellence and the Primary production of “The Wizard of Oz” performed 3 times to audiences, abiding by COVID regulations for audience size.
- Leo Club and SRC have still been busy organising Free-Dress Days for the students to bring back the joy on campus as well as raising funds and serving the community.
- TMC MS Readathon raised $5,408!
- Certificate levels achieved by Yr 10, 11 and 12 in many fields of interest.
- TMC Bands and instrumental music program continues to develop and entertain at events.
- Several TMC Music students were selected for the State Honours Ensemble Program – Secondary and Primary.
- TMC is part of the Independent Sporting Association for the major carnivals of swimming, cross-country and athletics, which of course did not happen this year. However the House Athletics Carnival was held with the winning House, Kyle, taking out the Melbourne Cup. Although sport was very limited this year, sporting achievement in Equestrian has been significant – TMC students were awarded the Derek & Rita Dobson Trophy for the school with the highest aggregate score in events covering Show-jumping, Dressage, Combined Training and Cross-Country. What a great result! Back in 2011 TMC won Qld Trophy for Interschool Competition Eventing. We look forward to more success for TMC Equestrian team.
- TMC Graduating Yr 6 is planning a wonderful on-campus picnic to celebrate.
- TMC Graduating Yr 12 has the Formal at the Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove.

This year the College celebrated 25 years!
Mr Nicholls, TMC Founding Principal, established the College in 1995 and would be so proud of it today, especially surviving COVID! TMC DVD this year is a tribute to this historical milestone (available www.tmc.qld.edu.au).
College Principal Mrs June Melbourne said, “2020 has been a strange and difficult year but it is a pleasure to announce and focus on the positives – something that we all need to do in life and today highlights the positives yet again for the College with its wonderful successes!”