TDCA President Visits Craft Group

Craft group members & TDCA President
Craft group members & TDCA President
Clockwise from front: Trish Winton-Knuckey, Penny Peel, Arndis Filippusson, Barbara McConnell, Joe Jackson, Hans Jattke, and Janet Corner

Local Crafters Show Their Skills To TDCA Joe

Members of the local craft group welcomed newly installed TDCA Inc President Joe Jackson into the circle for a bit of a chat over morning tea while demonstrating their craft skills. Joe was suitably impressed by their range of skills, such as knitting, crocheting, cross stitch, appliqué, and spinning!

Tamborine Craft Group
TDCA President Joe Jackson examines Barbara McConnell’s skillful cross-stitching craft work

In Other News …

At the recent monthly meeting, possibilities for improvement of facilities in the local area were discussed. This included involvement of crime stoppers in terms of addressing local hooning and car burnouts, fund raising ideas such as container collecting, and community engagement events such as bingo nights, blue light discos and dances.
Guest local doctor, Dr Julian Fox, spoke of some of his plans for the development of the medical precinct. A request was made for the sign on Tambourine Park to be returned, and it was noted that the new mobile library vehicles for the area were imminent.

The next meeting is on 12 October at 7pm.