High Teas & Kids Colouring In

Nigel holding a sketch of ‘Nigel’s High Tea’
Nigel holding a sketch of ‘Nigel’s High Tea’
Nigel holding a sketch of ‘Nigel’s High Tea’ for the Scarecrow Festival

Scarecrow Festival Full Of Fun Events …

There was many a scarecrow to see at the recent Scarecrow Festival on Tamborine Mountain, popping out here and there at different events, including a High Tea, Jazz Concert and a Kids Colouring In Competition. The famous Lantern Parade is yet to be held, moved to 5 December due to restrictions – for safety!

Nigel Waistell presents Delma McCrea  with a raffle prize
Scarecrow Festival Organiser Nigel Waistell presents Delma McCrea with a raffle prize at the Scarecrow High Tea at Secret Garden
Scarecrow High Tea
Kae Bishop, Delma McCrea, Clancey Covington, Jo Kahler, & Pam Fleischfresser in vintage dress at the Scarecrow High Tea
Scarecrow High Tea
Cathy Stubbs, Robyn Prentice, Mary-Aspinall-Conn, Shannon Anderson, June Barnes, & Bronwyn Ryall enjoying the Scarecrow High Tea
Harpist, Kathryn Foster playing at the Scarecrow High Tea
Harpist, Kathryn Foster playing at the Scarecrow High Tea, – enjoyed by a couple of ‘lounging scarecrows’
SES Scarecrows
Scarecrow Festival – SES Scarecrows
Scarecrow Festival Kids Colouring In Competition
Scarecrow Festival Kids Colouring In Competition Displayed at Tamborine Brewery
Scarecrow Festival Sign
Scarecrow Festival Sign