Time & Labour Donated From Near & Far
The call went out, due to recent break-ins, the Lions needed to construct a new shed to contain equipment used in their very important community work. Lion Linda Mulgrew went to great lengths organising the grant and quotes. Lion Richard Wright organised and coordinated the shed.

Local resident, Bucky Selkirk, set about organising supplies and labour to lay the foundations. In support, not only locals, but people and businesses came from far and wide to help, donating their time and labour, and donating or discounting supplies.

Some of the crew stayed overnight to keep the site safe and were treated to a campout dinner by Hayden Simmons of Camp-A-Cue. Lions Linda & Brian Mulgrew, Lion Garry Johnson also camped out for a week guarding the site while the shed was constructed.

A big thank you must go to Bucky, Linda and Richard for organising, and also to everyone else involved to make this happen for the Tamborine Village Lions!