Running For Scenic Rim Mayor

Scenic Rim Mayoral Candidates 2020

Greg Christensen

For four years, I have led a Council that is moving our Scenic Rim forward, based on the Scenic Rim Community Plan. There have been challenges to overcome – long term under investment in core infrastructure such as our roads, bridges, public spaces and footpaths; managing impacts from major natural disaster events; and balancing priorities within limited financial capacity. Our road and bridge networks are in the strongest overall condition in the region’s history, along with a first round of major public space and playground upgrades. Our capable new Executive team is changing operational Council into a modern customer oriented provider, already delivering direct cost benefits and service improvements.
Under my leadership we have reversed years of decline in economic performance and job losses. Our region has celebrated record high economic performance of $1.9 billion and the creation of more than 1400 new jobs since 2016. We are becoming a proactive Council, partnering our communities, our businesses to deliver these results. Our new Regional Prosperity Strategy will partner to deliver the next round of business and job growth. The jobs our communities want. We have also continued to focus on building stronger communities, investing in community groups and community based programs such as Environmental, Community and Sporting Grants. Partnered Programs such as Be Healthy and Active, Savvy Scenic Rim are contributing positively to community capability and well being. We are also stepping up to the challenges of Climate Change – investing in mitigation and adaptation programs such as Resilient Rivers to restore waterways, Tree Programs to partner further greening, Bushfire Risk Reviews, planning for transition to Zero Waste to Landfill. I share the frustration that affordability limits how fast we can deliver improvements or additional services. While the job is not done – we have made a strong start.
My TO DO List Includes: l Staying focussed on Bushfire Recovery and Bushfire Resilience. l Lobbying for stronger State and Federal investment for major upgrades to roads and facilities. l Progress the next Master Plan Town Centres and public space improvements l Upgrade of Canungra Library to a fully capable Community Hub l Continue to address nagging legacy issues in community infrastructure – roads, bridges, footpaths for better community connection. I commit to continuing to stand up for our communities and working hard with everyone to build the Stronger Future our communities so deserve.

Virginia Price

Virginia Price said she was contesting the mayoralty for the sake of the Scenic Rim. “I’m honest,” she said. “I’m sick of the dishonesty and I want to fight for the future of our children.” Ms Price said she was a former cleaner at Beaudesert State High School and had worked for years at Wongaburra in the dementia unit. “I want to do the roads, clean up the drugs and get a 24-hour police station with good police working in it.”
(Image & text extracted from Beaudesert Times)

John Brent

Former Scenic Rim Regional Council Mayor John Brent has announced he will be running for Mayor in the coming Local Government elections to be held on March 28.
“It’s time to get Scenic Rim back on track and re-connect with people and business,” Mr Brent said.
“Over the past couple of years, I have been increasingly approached by constituents and businesses throughout the region who say they are disappointed with the direction of the council, particularly with the way council responds to concerns held by the community”.
“After much consideration and in response to their urgings, I have decided to run for Mayor in the coming 2020 Local Government Elections.”
“From the feedback I have been receiving for a considerable period of time, I believe attention needs to be given to providing value for money through improved services, strengthening the local economy though support of business and investment in infrastructure right across the region”
Mr Brent said he is deeply concerned with staff turnover at Council and the current morale of staff which he believes impacts negatively on the delivery of services to the community. He is eager to improve the current culture.
“I am disappointed and extremely concerned at the loss of experience, local knowledge and relationships held across the region because of the departure of many valued employees. It is extremely disruptive to council operations” Mr Brent said.
“I am pleased that all of the major programs that were initiated during my time at the helm – including Eat Local Week, the Vibrant and Active Towns and Villages project, and the footpath, drainage and bridges programs – have remained in place. My initiative of the playground upgrades has also been delivered. I am eager to see these and other initiatives thrive and expand.”
“During the period that I was Mayor, Council partnered with various businesses and State and Federal Governments to deliver major economic projects to the Scenic Rim such as the Beaudesert By-pass, the establishment of McAuley College and the jobs hub at the SCT Intermodal Inland Port at Bromelton. Sadly, I haven’t seen a single new major development initiative delivered during this current term. Our region deserves more.”
Mr. Brent said the aspirations of residents could only be delivered by a Mayor and Councilors who worked co-operatively whilst respecting each other’s views, and they in turn worked in mutually respectful and close consultation with all members of the community.
“It’s time for the inward-looking navel gazing to end and for common sense and practicality to prevail. If I am elected, I will do all that I can to lead a council that everyone can be proud of.”
“Over the coming weeks, I will be expanding my community engagements across the region to further hear your views on how we can get the Scenic Rim Back on Track. I look forward to meeting with as many of you as possible.” he said.
I encourage you all to visit my webpage, follow me on Facebook @JohnBrent4Mayor, Twitter @JohnCBrent or Instagram @johncbrent during the campaign.
For further information, contact John Brent on 0427 135 899

Chris Summers

Today I want to announce that I am nominating for the position of Mayor of the Scenic Rim Regional Council.I am running on a platform based on a vision that can be summarised as “Our Voice. Our Community”. This encapsulates my view that as a council we need to listen to our ratepayers and deliver services that are accountable, transparent and meet community and ratepayer expectations.
I am a strong believer in community development that can provide much needed services for the Scenic Rim community such as public transport, roads maintenance, health and associated services that support families to grow and meet the many challenges facing them as they raise their family, work and play in the wonderful natural environment of the Scenic Rim. I also believe that there are many small groups of concerned ratepayers that are passionate about issues impacting the environment, job creation, business development, tourism and sustaining quality lifestyle now and for future generations. Council could be recognising and supporting these groups.
I believe that Councillors are uniquely placed, embedded as they are in their local communities, to bring forward ideas, concerns and issues that may be impacting their local community and for which Council, under its auspices, has the power to enact positive change. However, any change must be based on evidence and weighing up the benefits and costs to the whole of the Scenic Rim region.
I am all for supporting businesses that can demonstrate their ability to enhance the overall welfare and environment for all Scenic Rim citizens. Development must fit in with our unique community assets and support job creation for all, young as well as older people, and sustain our beautiful environment into the future. I am passionate about supporting the tourism, primary producers, small business owners and the entertainment and arts industries here in the Scenic Rim and believe that Council is well placed to facilitate and support these industries to grow in the Scenic Rim.
I was born in Broken Hill and left school in year 10 to take up a motor mechanic apprenticeship. After several years working as a mechanic  I decided to return to school, completed my year 12 and went on to University where I completed several undergraduate and post-graduate degrees. I have worked as a Guidance Officer for over 20 years with Education Queensland and retired in 2019 from Silkstone Primary School. I have been engaged in writing a book on Shakespeare’s Sonnets and the draft of that book is now with a publisher in the UK. This freed up time for me to consider a run for local council elections and as I have been residing in the Scenic Rim region with my wife Judy since 2011, the Scenic Rim was a logical choice. My number one priority for running is I believe that with the right leadership team at the helm of Council, listening and acting on behalf of ratepayers and the community, we can make a difference, now and for future generations to enjoy the unique benefits that come from living and working in the beautiful Scenic Rim.

Tom Sharp

It is my decision to accept nomination in the 2020 ballot for the Office of Mayor at the upcoming Scenic Rim Regional Council elections. This decision has been made as a consequence of numerous requests from groups and citizens right across the Scenic Rim who indicate to me they are desperate to see a change in a number of aspects which currently form the governance of this Council. It has been overwhelming to receive these requests and in making a commitment to offer myself as a candidate. I also make a commitment to offer my best endeavours to support the changes of policy and culture which these approaches represent.
I will be self-funding my campaign.
My focus in this campaign will be simply summarised as follows.
RATES and SERVICES – a FAIR rate for a FAIR service
CONSULTATION – ask what the people want, don’t come to them with pre-determined outcomes
COMMUNICATION – tell the people what the hell is happening in straight language
COUNCIL CULTURE – educate where necessary those officers and staff, that we serve the constituency, not the other way around
BUREAUCRACY and REDTAPE – remove the blockades and confusion for fair requests, submissions and applications and give a fair and timely response
A resident of Beechmont I was born in Beaudesert and spent my early years on the family farm at Beechmont. Post a career in stockbroking and funds management my family and I returned to Beechmont as a permanent resident in 2013 having previously acquired acreage at Beechmont. We returned with our young daughter, strongly in mind, that she would enjoy the quality of lifestyle I was privileged in this region while growing up.
I contested the 2016 local government election for the Office of Mayor and again put my name forward to contest this office with the intention of winning and bringing fair dinkum change, with a common sense approach, back to the people.
My family history extends a long way back, right across the region, not only in agriculture but also local government with a number of family members having served. The earliest being my Great Great Grandfather, J T Burnett who served as councillor and founding Chairman of Normanby Shire (Harrisville) and most recently my Father, Geoff Sharp who retired from office after 20 years of outstanding service to the constituents of Beaudesert Shire.
Council business is not unknown to me and the passion and legacy instilled into me by my ancestors lives on today.
My great concern is that local government has removed itself too far from its primary business – its constituency and serving their needs – and that the person in the street no longer has a voice. Dealing with bureaucracy is becoming too difficult and the peoples issues are simply not being attended to.
It is my unconditional commitment to vigorously return the governance of this region to its citizens via the elected representatives. It is time to get fair dinkum, apply common sense and provide the services the people want, effectively and efficiently.