History of Tambourine & Surrounds – Part 11


1874 to 1970 School


As a point of interest, in 1921, the population of Tamborine was 172 people and Mt Tamborine (as previously known) was 221 people. By 1933, Tamborine had 183 residents and the Mt Tamborine had 589 residents. From early on, both Tamborine and Mt Tamborine started to quickly grow becoming significant places of industry and community. As far back as the early 1860’s and 70’s residents saw a need for a School, one established in 1874 in Tamborine and one in 1900 for Mt Tamborine. In Tamborine the school was originally held in the Church building (also established in 1874, until 1904 when the church was pulled down). A small building was erected behind the school as a residence for the teacher. The first teacher to the Tambourine Provisional School (Number 195) was Miss Mary Kerr. Building and furnishing a church, a school and a teacher’s house all in such a few years gave “good indication of the unity and sense of purpose of the small community”. After the church was pulled down, a new school was erected on the School Reserve in 1905, the building measured 24 feet by 16 feet. The Tambourine Provisional School became a State School in 1909. In 1911, an outbreak of influenza saw the teacher in hospital for 10 days. The coming of the railway in 1915 had an effect on mail delivery for the school with the mail coach between Beenleigh and Tamborine ceasing to operate. In 1924, an outbreak of mumps closed the school for 18 days much to the delight of the pupils who had not caught the disease. As well in 1924, the residents of Tamborine formed a Tennis Club, with a proposition to build a court on Departmental Land, allowing school pupils full use. By 1931 the grounds had become overgrown. Segregation of the sexes at play-times was automatic, with the girls playing on the residence side and the boys on the other side. During the war, air raid trenches were dug in the school grounds, and it became the task of pupils to clean them out from time to time. After the war, dances commenced again and the usual break-up picnics continued. The School Committee continued to meet in the Shire Hall until 1949 when the Tamborine Shire Council amalgamated with the Beaudesert Shire Council. For the next few years, school meetings were then held at the residences of Mrs Mantova and Mrs Mutch until they were decided to be held at the school. Parents meetings were also held infrequently. 1949 saw the Honour Board mentioned for the first time (stills hangs in the Hall). The pupils would look forward to the annual break up picnic with a Christmas tree and party in Tamborine Memorial Hall, and a giant Christmas Santa Stocking raffled. Mr Barney McCabe was asked to be Santa Claus. There were 5 boys and 9 girls present. By 1952, there were 40 pupils attending, and the school took part in inter-school sports for the first time! Previous pupil, Tom Yore also notes there was a ‘Punish Book’ listing different types of offenses and their swift retribution (for which Tom says he was familiar with quite few!). In 1970, the school closed.