Easter Bunny Hops, Cadets Walk For Legacy

‘Fun’draising For Cadet Activities

On Monday 25th March, the Scenic Rim Regional Cadets hosted their annual Easter Raffle Draw to raise funds for essential equipment for Cadet activities. They had some very excited winners who took away one of three Easter baskets full of chocolate. The Easter Raffle is always popular with their Cadet Family and even attracts a very special guest of honour – the Easter Bunny!

Easter Bunny pays a visit to the Scenic Rim Regional Cadets
Saluting the Easter Raffle Winner

Thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets as this helped the Cadets raise $312 for their Unit.
The Run Army Walk for Legacy was held on Monday 8th April in the evening at Darlington Park Oval in Yarrabilba. The Scenic Rim Regional Cadets completed a 5km walk around the Yarrabilba community and raised $560 for Legacy.

Scenic Rim Regional Cadets getting ready to Walk for Legacy at Yarrabilba
Taking a break at the Run Army Legacy Walk in Darlington Park, Yarrabilba