New Year, New Teachers, New Fun!

Wonderful Team To Start Year @ TMCK Kindy

A wonderful team of new and returning staff are ready to educate our mountain and village kids in 2023!

Tamborine Mountain Community Kindy is excited to welcome Early Childhood Teacher Ms Tamara Garvey and educator Ms Courtney Sunderland to lead Group A and will join our wonderful existing Teacher and Educational Leader Kirsten Pouliot and educator Haley Hanley in Group B. Mrs Caroline Cooper has stepped off the floor and will be our Business Manager to ensure the smooth running of the Kindy. 

As Caroline says “Our aim getting the children socially and emotionally ready, building confidence and skills so when they get to school they thrive. Our teachers are committed to always being there for the children. It is a huge step for the kids to start kindy, being away from the families sometimes for the first time – and nurturing them, being like a second family and building those relationships and confidence with the kids is so important to us.”

All the teachers agree. “Working in a beautiful environment at Coleman Square makes such a beautiful base to provide the children for indoor/outdoor play and we are in the fortunate position of having the surrounding to provide them with opportunities for nature based play.”

For our educators, teaching is a vocation and a lifelong passion that started when they were children themselves. TMCK feels privileged to be able to offer all children around the mountain the opportunity to be guided and nurtured in such a unique environment. 

TMCK are still actively enrolling! If you would like to visit the kindy please contact Caroline at