Scenic Rim Citizenship Ceremony

Scenic Rim Citizenship Ceremony
Scenic Rim Citizenship Ceremony
Scenic Rim Citizenship Ceremony – 23 New Citizens

Twenty-three Scenic Rim residents from 10 nations have celebrated Australia Day as fair dinkum Aussies for the first time following a citizenship ceremony at The Centre Beaudesert today. 

The citizenship ceremony was held in conjunction with the 2023 Scenic Rim Australia Day Awards which acknowledged the region’s community champions who contribute so much to the Scenic Rim’s uniquely Australian way of life. 

Now calling the Scenic Rim home, the migrants have come from New Zealand, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Canada, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, Spain and Germany. 

Welcoming the region’s newest Australians, Mayor Greg Christensen said he was honoured to have been part of their journey from migrant to Australian citizen. 

“As Mayor, I’m sure I can say that you are not only becoming a citizen of a great country but also, officially, part of the greatest community in Australia here in the Scenic Rim,” he said. 

“When we are finished here today, each one of you who takes the citizenship pledge will become an Australian citizen,” Mayor Christensen told the citizenship candidates. 

“You will have the same rights and responsibilities of those Australians who are born here.” 

Relaying a message from Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, the Honourable Andrew Giles MP, Mayor Christensen said Australians were united by their shared commitment to democracy and the rule of law, and to freedom of speech, religion and association. 

“Our diversity is our greatest strength, and we prosper by embracing this,” he said 

“We believe in a society in which everyone is equal, regardless of their gender, faith, sexual orientation, age, ability, race, nationality or ethnic origin. 

“Ours is the land of the fair go, in which respect and compassion underpin our care for each other and our willingness to reach out to those around us in times of need. 

“By becoming an Australian citizen, you make a commitment to these values, and to contribute to our evolving Australian story.” 

The Scenic Rim’s 23 new citizens were among 19,600 people who, at citizenship ceremonies nationwide today, pledged their loyalty to Australia and its people, to share their democratic beliefs, to respect their rights and liberties and to uphold and obey their laws. 

“Becoming an Australian citizen does not mean turning your back on your country of origin,” Mayor Christensen said. 

“It does not mean you have to forget the language of the country or its customs or culture.  

“Instead we ask you to share these valuable assets so that Australians can become more tolerant and understanding. 

“On behalf of the people of Australia, and especially the Scenic Rim, I congratulate all of you on becoming Australian citizens and hope you enjoy a happy and prosperous future.” 

Scenic Rim Citizenship Ceremony
Scenic Rim Citizenship Ceremony – Town Cryer & his consort
Scenic Rim Citizenship Ceremony
Scenic Rim Citizenship Ceremony – New Citizens of Tamborine