Co-Parenting Through the Holidays

Self-Care Is One Of The Most Significant Components

I find that many clients fall into one of two categories when they are going through a separation:

  1. Prioritising everyone over themselves, often their children, and sometimes even extended family who they wish to shield from the fallout associated with the relationship breakdown.
  2. Pretending that nothing is wrong – carrying on with life as normal and avoiding sharing their hardship with anyone that doesn’t absolutely need to know.

Regardless of which category you or your loved one fall into, it is crucial to acknowledge and accept that self-care, or personal wellbeing, is one of the most significant components of successfully navigating through separation and out the other side.

Jessica Purcell

Now, this isn’t some ‘fluffy’ piece because I don’t feel like writing about family law this month. Although… maybe I don’t feel like writing about family law this month? 

However, the wellbeing and care of my clients (and their children) is something I take very seriously, and this forms a part of my role and advice when assisting them through their family law matters. In fact, it always forms a part of my advice – because family law is about people, and people aren’t simple creatures.

Ensuring good self care through the separation process will allow you to:

  • Better regulate and manage your emotions.
  • Maintain good health and wellbeing.
  • Be at your best to support your children.
  • Make good decisions.

Self care also looks different for different people.

For some, it may be seeking formal therapy, managing a decline in mental health, including utilising medical treatments.

For others it may be ensuring quality sleep, regular exercise and a healthy diet, as well as perhaps reaching out and talking to friends and family you haven’t spoken with in some time.

Maybe you can finally adopt the cat your partner would never agree to, or start the university course you ‘never had time to do’. Get back to a hobby or activity you used to love. 

See this as the first step to your future, and reclaiming the best version of yourself you might not have experienced for a while. 

When you have a clear and healthy mind, you are best positioned to make the best decisions, and this makes my job as your family lawyer much easier.

Follow our socials for more self care hints and tips.

If you have any questions, JP Family Law & Mediation would be more than happy to help out! – 0466 090 434

By Jessica Purcell (JP Family Law & Mediation)