Be Safe! Be Vigilant! Be Thoughtful!

Police News

Don’t Let The Little Things Bother You …

Have you ever thought to stop for a moment and not let the little things bother you? If not, have you considered what little things you do which may likely bother others???? Some food for thought for road users, neighbours and for all of us in general.

We’ve had some crime and traffic issues of late which coming into the summer months we will see an increase in higher volumes of traffic movement. The incidence of drink driving being detected is not ideal. Plan your travel to ensure the safety of yourself and others. Remain vigilant around property security and remember to take note of things which aren’t right. Take a photo, capture a video, vehicle registration, clothing worn by suspicious characters. It all helps paint the picture for what could be a bigger picture.

I was recently asked what we could do about traffic delays around the place. Sometimes you just need to be patient if there is a high volume of traffic about. Remember, given the state of our roads, that there has been some works in progress to address sections of road surface. I’d thank the actual workers for being out there and conducting these works. If you have concerns about the state of the road surface please contact Main Roads, the local Council and your local MP.

Parking – We generally have an increase in concerns around unsafe and unlawful parking at this time of year. In a couple of locations rightly so. I can issue fines and social media has assisted with getting the message out that fines will be issued. This seriously fails to address the actual issue and some people find the parking fine a cheap expense to incur for a day out. Please continue to contact Main Roads, the local Council and your local MP with your concerns. If you take photos of illegal parking activity, make sure it has a proper and current time/date stamp.

With more traffic comes crashes and there continues to be crashes in the same location for varying reasons, which includes the road surface contributing to some incidents. Tamborine Mountain Road remains an area for a high volume of crashes. Bear that in mind when traversing it.

As always, report matters that might seem suspicious, your information is just a phone call away and may help save someone’s life or protect their property, you never know.

Call out to Blue Light Volunteers

After our Covid 19 hiatus Tamborine Mountain Blue Light will get back into action 2023.

In preparation for this, it is a requirement for all adult Volunteers at our events to have a current Blue Card. That includes parents, community organisation members ie Lions; and assisting emergency workers ie: QFES, SES etc. 

Log on to Blue Card Services to apply for or renew a blue card.

Also, that Blue Card must be formally linked to The Queensland Blue Light Association Incorporated.  Please contact Gwen at the police station to complete this process.

Looking forward to seeing some new faces next year ?