Thanks To All Involved & All Who Visited – Such A Great Day!
The 2022 Tamborine Car Show was a resounding success!
We booked 108 cars in for the 100 spaces and actually had 150 cars on the grass. The weather on the day was perfect, fine, and sunny, not too hot, and very little wind. Well over 1000 visitors attended the event for its second year.
Our major display of the two Kenworth heavy lift tow trucks and a small army vehicle created lots of interest all day.
Good food was readily available except for a little glitch with the power going out, and many availed themselves of the “Gazebo Alley” food court to relax and enjoy their meals and drinks in the shade while listening to music from Indigo Dusk.

The variety of cars created plenty to see with lots of interesting and special vehicles from 1910 up to 2021.
From the little Suzuki Carry through to the 1975 Rolls Royce with Australian, American, European, British and Japanese vehicles, Rat Rods, and even a little Fergie tractor – there was a vehicle (or bike) to suit all tastes!
The Gate Prize (by Tamborine Motor Works) went to the 1999 Holden Statesman of George Minic, the President’s Choice (by Beez Kneez Engineering) to the 1960 Corvette of Alan Darmanon, and the People’s Choice (by Harcourts Scenic) to the Walkinshaw Commodore of Mark Eastment (his first Car show and we believe he slept with the trophy that night!).
There were also 32 prizes won in the raffles which were supplied by very supportive local businesses, government, and individuals. Council kindly supplied the gazebos. I particularly want to thank the small but supportive team from TDCA Inc, Tamborine Village Lions Club, and especially the Scenic Rim Regional Cadets for their parking duties, and all other displays including BOQ Beenleigh and the Police. We look forward to the next event and will be keen to welcome new members to TDCA with their support.

Regards Syd Norman
TDCA Inc President