Keep Veresdale Scrub State School Where It Is!

The Veresdale community is rallying to save its original Veresdale Scrub School House. Built by the local community in 1899 after State Government failed to respond to the community’s requests for a school in their area.
Now, Queensland Department of Education,, has decided it is ‘not-fit-for purpose’ as an Administration Block.
Heritage listing has been considered ‘not relevant’ as there have been some additions to the building over time and it does not comply with the current Building Code.
(“Block A has been identified as being no longer structurally sound and fit-for-purpose. The building, which is not registered as having heritage significance, underwent a recent structural inspection which found it is in poor condition and does not comply with current Building Code of Australia standards.“)
Quoted from survey.
As building codes are revised periodically, I doubt there would be any building in Beaudesert that complies with current building codes!
Furthermore, there is no requirement for existing buildings to be upgraded to meet these codes.
As for its heritage value, this is relevant to the local community members who have had generations of their family attend the school and the memories and sense of belonging it provides to the close-knit community, that is not recognised by the Government Department.
Such structures also add to the appeal of a place and give an insight into the past.
As we protect the cultural sites of our first Australians it is just as relevant to protect the more recent history and emerging culture.
The Department recommends two options that will be discussed at the two meetings, set down in August, at the school.
In short:
- Option 1 provides for the current building to be restored within its existing footprint. The covered area would be replaced.
- Option 2 provides a new administration building to replace the current building.
Information Sessions: Saturday 6 August, 10am–12noon & Thursday 11 August, 3pm–5pm @ Veresdale Scrub State School Hall, 354 Veresdale Scrub State School Road.
Feedback can be provided in an Online ‘Have-Your-Say’ until 11.59pm, Sunday 14 August 2022.
There is also an Online Petition which has registered over 700 signatories in support of keeping the Veresdale Scrub State School where it is:
By Julie Wilkinson
Scenic Rim Residents Action Group FB
Photos from Education Department Website.