Healthwise in partnership with Scenic Rim Regional Council hosted two successful community events in support of bushfire healing, recovery and resilience with more than 200 people in attendance.

The events recognised the impact the 2019/2020 bushfires had on Aratula, Beechmont and surrounding communities and encouraged those impacted to reconnect, boost community spirit and enjoy a chat with experienced health professionals.
Healthwise is a non-for-profit organisation delivering primary health and social services to rural communities across southeast Queensland and New South Wales.
The two events, funded through the Department of Communities Category C Bushfire Funding and Queensland Health Metro South, were held at Aratula and Beechmont and included free food and entertainment featuring the talented ‘Women Like Us’ comedy duo and local Tamborine Mountain band ‘The Inadequates’ as well as a program of fun activities for the kids.

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen said importantly, the program offered the opportunity for people to have a conversation with social workers about resilience, coping strategies, self-care and mindfulness.
“We know disasters like bushfires and drought can have long lasting effects on individuals and families, and it’s important that those affected have access to ongoing assistance and advice to encourage and foster coping mechanisms.
“Scenic Rim is made up of strong, resilient people. This was a wonderful demonstration of how our residents and organisations can come together to help the recovery process by checking in on their neighbours’ wellbeing, whether it’s through a barbecue and a bit of a laugh, or a casual chat with a trusted health professional,” he said.

The Mayor acknowledged the huge role Healthwise played in co-ordinating the events, providing practical tips for people to manage their mental health, and offering take home packs with contact details of local health providers.