Open Letter to Residents from Scenic Rim Mayor

Returning Mayor Greg Christensen

Dear Residents

The recent announcement of the timeline to reopen Queensland’s borders means there’s now an urgent need for our communities to be proactive through vaccination to build protection against the impacts of COVID-19.

My primary focus is the safety and wellbeing of our community, which is the foundation for strong social and economic vibrancy.

I am not a medical expert but as a civic leader I rely on direction from the Premier who is well informed by the Chief Health Officer.

It is clear, both from the Premier and evidence from other jurisdictions, that Queensland should expect to see COVID-19 infections becoming active across the State as more movement becomes possible. This is why there is a resounding emphasis for everyone who can to roll up their sleeves and get vaccinated.

I know of a number of people in our community who, due to certain health conditions, are not able to have the vaccination. To me, these people shine a light on why it is so important to get the vaccine coverage above 80%.

As I understand it, the unvaccinated place themselves at greater risk of serious and permanent harm to their health from COVID-19 and are at greater risk of carrying the virus on to others, not just within their family and close contacts, but within the community. I note this community risk, particularly for our most vulnerable, is considered high enough that areas with low vaccination rates may find themselves facing continued restrictions that will impact social, economic and employment opportunities.

Through every hardship our region has faced, I have witnessed time and again the strength of our community unselfishly standing up to help each other. This is another occasion that calls for such commitment, and the community spirit that I am so proud to acclaim.

At the time of writing, the Scenic Rim had under 60% double vaccinated, while the numbers are moving in the right direction, with just weeks to meet vaccination thresholds, there is no time to waste.

Lifting the vaccination coverage across our great region takes a small commitment from each of us. Every member of our community is important so we each need to play our part for the benefit of all.

For confidence in your choice to get vaccinated, please seek advice from a qualified medical professional to make a well-informed decision.

Let’s all step up, Scenic Rim. Do it for yourself, for your family, for your community, for the vulnerable, for our businesses.

Let’s give everyone a good shot at a great Christmas and a strong 2022.

Greg Christensen

Scenic Rim Mayor