The Season Of New Beginnings …

Spring is a beautiful time of the year – the season of new beginnings. Some animals awaken and the Earth comes to life again. Reminiscing of my dear ole grandma singing, “the Birds ‘n’ Bees ‘n’ the flowers ‘n’ the trees ‘n’ the moon up above”. She even did a little dance. Yes, my grandparents loved their bees and lived for their vegie patch – as does their granddaughter!
Our weather generally turns warmer, flowers come into blossom, the days become longer and maybe it’s time to plant some spring vegetables like carrots, zucchinis, beetroot, cucumbers and tomatoes, but check your specific area and community garden to see what they are planting.
Speaking of bees – our busy pollinators are foraging on the sweet taste of many nectars and pollens. They have a variety of flowering species, such as our wonderful Australian gum trees, which we have been blessed to witness their kaleidoscope of colours. We are lucky enough to enjoy their addictive aroma of honey too! Our backyard is alive with so many varieties of birds and in the distance, a soft hum of buzzing bees. The hives are full of activity and the aroma, when we crack open the hive-lid, is just amazing! We know there has been a honey flow evolving, when the bees are so busy. They are expanding and soon to be out of space which is the time that they will swarm, so it’s time to spring clean our hives. As the bees are spring cleaning, many of us will spring clean our homes as well. Whether it be cleaning out our winter wardrobe, packing away the winter boots, or just
a general spring clean. Either way, it’s time for a change!
The same goes for our skincare routines. Changes in the weather can have detrimental effects on our skin, hair and nails. Tweaking our regime slightly will help with this problem. Cleaning and toning – a must, but where we have been using a heavier moisturiser during the winter season, we can now choose a lighter hydrator and serum. These products will deliver superior anti-aging, antioxidant ingredients such as peptides, botanicals and vitamins to hydrate the skin cells and keep it plumped and glowing during these coming warmer months
Jordella Skincare has an array of serums, hydrators and moisturisers to achieve great results through spring time. Check out the website! You are sure to find what you are looking for.
If you’d like some help, please either email us on or phone on 0403 659 656 during business hours. The Tamborine Village Pharmacy and The Village Witch Alchemy on Gallery Walk stocks Jordella Skincare.