Strong Endorsement For New Committee

The Management Committee of Tamborine Mountain Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc was given a resounding endorsement at the Annual General Meeting in March.
The meeting at St Bernards Hotel was attended by nearly 100 members and supporters. President Geoff Baldwin called on all members to be respectful both in meetings and in communication.
“I would like to see the Chamber moving forward in a very positive manner,” he said. He called on members to vote for a team who will be able to work together.
“The community needs a strong Chamber of Commerce so let us ensure we provide it for them.”
He thanked Alison Rip for her hard work, particularly through the difficulties of 2020.
Scenic Rim Division Two Councillor Jeff McConnell presided over the vote that was contested by two groups with a total of 20 candidates standing for 10 positions on the Management Committee.
In a secret ballot, a total of 80 ballots were cast with 48 voting for Geoff Baldwin’s team and 16 voting for a team headed by Alison Rip. A further 16 ballots were cast for a mixed committee.
The Auditor, Stephen Hall of Hall Hanneford, reported that 2020 had been a difficult time and the Chamber had suffered a loss of revenue as had many local businesses. However, the Chamber’s finances were strong. Hall Hanneford was re-appointed as Auditor for the coming financial year.
The meeting also heard a presentation by two representatives of the National Imported Red Fire Ant Eradication Program. They explained that Tamborine Mountain has been selected for a trial in which residents will be provided with baits to treat their own properties. Bait kits will be provided during May this year through the Visitor Information Centre in North Tamborine.
Following the vote, President Geoff Baldwin thanked members for their confidence and promised to work diligently with his team to further the aims of the Chamber and to provide resources and information to businesses across the Mountain.
The new Management Committee consists of:
Geoff Baldwin (President), Abi Chaloupka (Vice-President), Caroline Jackson (Treasurer), Denby Browning (Secretary) and Kate Keegan, David McPhee, Judi Minnikin, Theresa Poots, Peter Rea and Tina Wilkinson as committee members.
For Further Information please contact:
Geoff Baldwin (President)
Tamborine Mountain Chamber of Commerce and Industry Inc