A Very Different Rescue!

Trav The Tree Climber
Trav The Tree Climber
Trav The Tree Climber – preparing to rescue the corella

Trav The Tree Climber Answers The Call For Young Corella

As a rescuer, I do get calls for all sorts of rescues involving native species in many and varied situations. But some standout more than others.
Recently I received a call from a concerned Tamborine Mountain resident and local snake catcher (Roger) who noticed that a young long billed Corella was caught somehow on a thin branch about 20 metres up a large gum tree. The parents were with it and getting quite alarmed, as it could not free itself and had been there for several hours.

Wildcare often engage the help of the local Fire Brigade on the Gold Coast to help with bird entanglements, Koalas and tiny ducklings stuck in drains. In this situation there was no access for a fire truck to get to the tree, so we started calling the local tree loppers that might have climbing equipment. Most were busy on jobs, but we were lucky enough to catch Travers, who has a local business “Trav the Tree Climber”. Fortunately, he was on his way up the Mountain to collect his daughter from the local school nearby.

Locating the corella caught in the tree
Locating the corella caught in the tree

Travers arrived just in time, as some Crows were moving in for a meal realising the Corella was stuck and unable to fly away.
With Travers on the job, he quickly and professionally donned his climbing gear, clipped a net to his belt and hoisted himself up where he swiftly grabbed the bird, who was wrapped around a stick, placed him in the net and retrieved it.

Trav The Tree Climber climbing up to rescue corella
Trav The Tree Climber climbing up to rescue corella

On examination I found the bird had no obvious injury to the wing but had a bloody wound on its head. It was also very weak and unable to stand. I gave him some fluids and he was left to rest in a dark quiet place as a stressful event like what it had been through can kill a native animal.
Another rescuer transported it to Currumbin Wildlife Hospital the next morning where it was examined and found to have a bad infection in what looked to be an old wound on its head. The bird will receive a course of antibiotics and go into rehab and then hopefully reunite with the parents who are revisiting the tree daily looking for it.

Rescued corella in care
Rescued corella in care

A huge thank you to Travers, and the other climbers who help us out in their own time and without payment. Our volunteers rely on professionals like Travers to help us do what we can’t.

“Saving one animal will not change the world, but it will change the world for that one animal”. Thanks Travers!!!

If in doubt call the Wildcare Hotline for advice 5527 2444.
For more information look up: Wildcare.org.au

Please do not keep the baby and try to raise it yourself. To care for wildlife, you need specialised training and a permit. Wildcare members are trained free of charge and provided with mentorship.

Please Remember – if you find an injured native animal of any type – place in a covered box in a quiet area and do not give food or water and then call Wildcare or RSPCA for help.

Wildcare Hotline 5527 2444 or RSPCA 1300animal
By Sherryn Fraser (Qualified Vet Nurse)
Registered Wildlife Rescuer & Rehabilitator