“Happy Birthday To Us, Happy Birthday To Us!”

One birthday is all very well, but as members of the Beaudesert U3A mosaics group agree, 18 all together is so much better! And if it is a cool but
peaceful day in a rural park with a campfire
and plenty of delicious food, who could wish for more?
Members of the group recently decided that with numbers growing and birthdays popping up constantly, it would be better to include everyone in a single, giant celebration.

“So we chose mid-year, thinking that it’s a good time, a bit like Christmas in July or the official racehorse birthday on August 1st … something to look forward to in winter,” said mosaics coordinator Tina Jones. “We all brought something to eat, plus everyone contributed a birthday present up to $10 value to someone whose name they drew out of a hat, and we had non-alcoholic champagne to suit the mood but also remembering that we were all driving home.”

The group met at the Andrew Drynan Park on the Lions Road outside Rathdowney, where the caretaker Barry even built a campfire for their arrival.
“It’s a magic area, just about five kilometres from the NSW border and was quite deserted on the day, although certainly not always like that, so we were lucky,” Tina said.
“With Covid-19 restrictions we had to put a bit of thought into where to go. Now that it has been so successful, we’ll have to continue next year and perhaps to the same park – it could become a tradition!”.
By Cheryl Folley (U3A)