New TDCA Committee Elected

TDCA Inc Committee 2020/21

And Tennis Court Set To Be Resurfaced!

The Tamborine District Citizens Association Inc. held their AGM in August and installed a new committee for the year. All positions were vacated with new members being elected as:

President – Joe Jackson, Vice President – Janet Corner, Secretary – Trish Winton-Knuckey, Treasurer – Kym Hurst, and Media Officer – Kerri Cryer.

TDCA Inc Committee 2020/21
The new Tamborine District Citizens Association Inc. Committee

In the general meeting items discussed were fundraising ideas, hall improvements including the question of the ceiling repair, the community markets, and the possibility of a plan to get footpaths in Tamborine. Two major projects are the replacement of the playground within the next six months, and the long-awaited announcement of the refurbishment of the tennis courts with installment of a new basketball tower and linework. Work commenced on the 31 August with completion expected end of September.

TDCA Inc AGM Attendees
AGM Meeting attendees: Kerri Cryer, Joe Jackson, Cr Jeff McConnell, Janet Corner, Trish Winton-Knuckey, Shari Hughes, & Kym Hurst

The TDCA Inc thanks all members and volunteers for their ongoing service.