The Carnival Is Back In Town!

'Carnival’ near Tamborine

Well, Carnival Food That Is …

'Carnival’ near Tamborine
Local family: Grayson, Gemma, Kim (Mum), Lily & Alex (Dad) visit the ‘carnival’ near Tamborine

With all shows and festivals being cancelled throughout Australia due to the pandemic, and no income since March, 1st Choice Catering along Waterford-Tamborine Road, (just outside) Tamborine, gained special permission to open up their property with show catering stands to create a carnival-like atmosphere, providing delicious Ekka styled treats for locals, neighbours and passer-bys.

‘Carnival’ near Tamborine

Allira Watkins from 1st Choice Catering said “We are a 4th and 5th generation show family, and shows and festivals are our only source of income, we have nothing else to rely on, so we decided to set up on our own property and bring the show to the people! We plan to be ‘on show’ each Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11am to 7pm until we can go back to work again.”

Sisters Shania & Allira Watkins with Jodie Brown from 1st Choice Catering

Three families set up their stands on the property which included Kym, Paola and Hector from Brophy’s BBQ Ribshack with corn on the cobs, pork knuckles, beef brisket and BBQ ribs on offer; Luke Chambers from Aloha Slushies featuring a variety of flavours in different shaped cups such as unicorns, dinosaurs and palm trees; and of course Jodie Brown, and sisters Shania and Allira Watkins of 1st Choice Catering offering fairy floss, dagwood dogs, jam donuts, roast beef and gravy rolls. The smell alone was enough to bring even the most secluded out of isolation! In fact, the caterers sold out of most things on the first day! One of the first items to sell out were the jam donuts with customers ‘sadly’ having to wait until the following week for resupply!

Kym and Paola in Brophy’s BBQ Ribshack stand
Luke Chambers with his Aloha Slushies stand

One important requirement by council was for visitors to the ‘carnival’ to park on the property itself and not along the street. Visitors commented that “When you can’t go to the Ekka, it was a nice treat to be able to come down for some Ekka food!” If you would like more info, see: