Precious Paws Has Rehomed Over 1000 Dogs
Precious Paws Animal Rescue is a 100% volunteer run rescue, who have successfully rehomed over 1000 dogs since their inception in 2016. The dogs that they take in are the most in need of help – unwanted dogs who end up in regional pounds and, alone and unloved, await their fate. Without the lifeline thrown to them by PPAR they face euthanasia.
So how does it work? Every week, the tireless volunteers at PPAR go through the lists of dogs in pounds who are the most urgent, the ones who have little or no time left. They then work hard to find a suitable foster home for these dogs where they can stay until they are adopted. Like most rescue groups PPAR don’t have a shelter, they believe that a home environment is best for these dogs as they wait until they are adopted. Once a foster carer has been confirmed, the dog is transported from their pound to their carer where they will stay until adopted.
PPAR pay for the dog to be dexesed, microchipped and vaccinated; ongoing flea and heartworm preventions and can even supply food if needed. The Foster Carer network within PPAR is incredibly supportive and caring with advice and help never far away if needed.
Foster Carers literally save the lives of these dogs and often say that their own lives have been changed in the process. PPAR are looking for more Foster Carers in the Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast areas, if you’d like to find out more, go to their website www.ppar.com.au

Each year, for various reasons, hundreds of dogs end up in pounds throughout Australia. Some are reunited with their owners but most face a dreadful juncture – they are either saved by a rescue group or they are euthanised. One of these rescue groups, Precious Paws Animal Rescue, has rehomed over 1000 unwanted dogs since their inception in 2016.
PPAR are a registered charity, run completely by volunteers, who find foster homes for these dogs until they are adopted. Every week, their tireless volunteers go through the lists of dogs in pounds who are the most urgent, the ones who have little or no time left and locate foster carers who are prepared to provide a temporary home for the dog until it is adopted. Foster Carers are literally the difference between life and death for these dogs.
Transport is arranged and the dog is brought to the carer where it will remain until it is adopted. PPAR pay for the dog to be dexesed, microchipped and vaccinated; ongoing flea and heartworm preventions and can even supply food if needed. The Foster Carer network within PPAR is incredibly supportive and caring with advice and help never far away if needed. The time a foster dog might remain with a carer varies from dog to dog but is generally a few months.
PPAR are looking for more Foster Carers in the Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast areas, if you’d like to find out more, go to their website www.ppar.com.au